Monday, May 24, 2010

21. The Buffer Period (Positive)

Argh. A month without a post. Again. Blah.

A lot has happened in the last month. Let's have a quick rundown, shall we?

1) I finished my programming project at last, and it worked flawlessly.

2) I got 12/15 marks for that essay. This was the second-highest mark in the class and extremely unexpected.

3) I received word that I will be interning at Open Emotion Studios this summer! Which is absolutely brilliant and possibly the best news I've had all year.

4) I sat my exams. For the most part they didn't go badly, but I definitely do not see another 4.0 QCA in my future. However, I'm happy that they're over now.

5) I have so far spent almost a week at home, potentially my only length of time at home for a while, so I plan to make the most of my time before I leave on the 31st, or possibly VERY early on the 1st.

6) I have a proper website at last!

At the moment I'm trying to squeeze an entire summer's worth of late nights and long lie-ins into less than two weeks. So that's going well. :D

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