Wednesday, March 31, 2010

17. Today Is A Good Day (Positive)

Once again I leave my blog to fester in this little-known corner of the Internet. I weep for it.

However, with no fanbase to speak of, I can be as slow and procrastinating as I like. Heh. That's probably bad for me.

Anyway. University continues to move at a frightening pace. This irritates me, but it's nothing new. New things are:

-I'm doing more shirts. I have received my second commission and am working on two stencils for a friend. Something of a rush job, but I'm used to it and hoping to do it well. I have a week anyway. Or, actually, four days. But yay for doing things!

-I have my very first essay for university due two weeks from today. It must be within 10% either side of 1200 words, which is all the exactness I'd expect from the Computer Science faculty, in fairness to them. The problem is that I picked this course specifically to not do essays, and it has worked out fine 'til now, but I'm starting to see Arts students in a whole new light... Meh. It'll be grand. I can do essays; hell, I got an A1 in Leaving Cert English. I'm just lazy and unacquainted with the Harvard Referencing System we use here in UL. This is changing however. (Not the laziness, the other one.)

-I have an idea for a webcomic. Regrettably, I only ever get such ideas individually. As in, I get a brilliant plan for a single strip but know it'll go nowhere after that first punchline. Sigh. Ah well, perhaps I'll do it anyway.

-I have remembered again how easy blogging actually is.

-I have started conforming to one of Morse's pet peeves and deleting 'actually' from sentences that don't need it. Again. I keep leaving this and coming back to it.

-I feel the need to read Morse again.

-My dinner is ready.